Resep-resep Unik in Game LifeAfter

by - October 21, 2019

Udah pada tau game LifeAfter belom? Yup, di postingan sebelumnya, saya udah menceritakan tentang beberapa keunikan dan apa saja yang bisa dilakukan di game besutan NetEase ini. Salah satunya adalah masak. Masak? Yoi gaes, MASAK. Wkwkw. 

Jadi, namanya game survival, kita perlu kumpulin bahan-bahan untuk bertahan hidup. Dan character yang kita mainkan juga perlu makan. Selain untuk mengembalikan stamina, beberapa makanan juga bisa memberikan efek tertentu (buff). 

Oke gaes, jadi saya tuh suka banget eksperimen memasak di game ini (efek belum bisa eksperimen masak di dunia nyata, wkwk). Dan saya mau share beberapa resep yang menurut saya unik yang berhasil saya temuin. Penasaran, kan? Check list-nya di bawah, ya. Btw, hati-hati laper, wkwk.


  • Honey → Nebang pohon besar di Fall Forest, masuk ke gua beruang di Snow Highlands
  • Berries → Hampir di semua map ada :v
  • Blueberry → Mouth Swamp
  • Strawberry → Sand Castle
  • Watermelon → Sand Castle
  • Carrot → Redwood Town, Farstar City
  • Corn → Redwood Town (di ladang di Alpine Pasteur biasanya banyak)
  • Ice Cubes → Farm batu di Snow Highland
  • Coconut → Nebang kayu di Santopany
  • Cayenne Pepper → Santopany
  • Mushroom → Fall Forest
  • Matsutake Mushrooms →  Mount Snow, Snow Highland
  • Pumpkin → Mount Snow, Farstar City
  • Flour → Beli di NPC Town Hall, bisa juga tanam gandum di manor dan digiling menggunakan Farm Goods Maker
  • Meat → Kill binatang di all map
  • Leg Meat → Kill binatang di all map, pelihara sapi di manor
  • Tenderloin → Kill binatang di all map, pelihara domba di manor
  • Milk → Beli di NPC Town Hall, pelihara sapi di manor
  • Egg → Pelihara ayam di manor
  • Tofu, Vermicelli, Seasoning, Sauce, Sugar, Cooking Oil, Leek, ginger & garlic → Beli di Lafita (NPC di Town Hall)
  • Animal Entrails → Kill binatang di Redwood Town, Mount Snow
  • Rice → Tanam Dry Rice Seed di manor (seed beli di NPC Vault Tex Brandon) kemudian digiling menggunakan Farm Goods Maker
  • Pineapple → Tanam Pineapple Seed di manor (seed beli di NPC Vault Tex Brandon)


1. Fruit Pie
Ingredients → Fruit/ Flour/ Honey
Effect → Increase damage to Humanoid Monsters

2. Egg Tart
Ingredients → Milk/ Flour/ Honey
Effect → Increases digging crit chance

3. Special Pizza
Ingredients → Meat/ Vegetables/ Mushrooms/ Flour
Effect → Increase damage dealt to building

4. Spaghetti
Ingredients → Meat/ Vegetables/ Fruit/ Flour
Effect → Increase crit chance

5. Fruit Cake
Ingredients → Honey/ Flour/ Milk/ Fruit
Effect → Increases movement speed

6. Strawberry Muffin
Ingredients → 1 Flour/ 3 Strawberry
Effect → Restore HP

7. Strawberry Jelly
Ingredients → 1 Milk/ 1 Ice Cubes/ 2 Strawberry
Effect → Increase movement speed and crit chance

8. Fried Pumpkin Sticks
Ingredients → 1 Flour/ 1 Milk/ 2 Pumpkin
Effect → Allay hunger

9. Carrot Meat Pie
Ingredients → 2 Meat/ 2 Carrot
Effect → Improve damage to wild animals

10. Strawberry Yogurt Ice
Ingredients → 1 Honey/ 1 Milk/ 1 Ice Cubes/ 1 Strawberry
Effect → Increases movement speed

11. Golden Corn Fritter
Ingredients → Honey/ Corn
Effect → Restore HP

12. Blueberry Biscuit
Ingredients → 2 Flour/ 2 Blueberry
Effect → Increase logging speed

13. Berry Cheesecake
Ingredients → 1 Flour/ 1 Milk/ 1 Strawberry/ 1 Blueberry
Effect → HP regeneration

14. Hot & Spicy Pot
Ingredients → 1 Meat/ 1 Vegetables/ 1 Mushrooms/ 1 Cayenne Pepper
Effect → Increase crit change and chance of obtaining fight mastery

15. Boiled Pork Slices
Ingredients → Meat/ Vegetables/ Cayenne Pepper
Effect → Increase chance of obtaining fight mastery

16. Sweet & Spicy Meatballs
Ingredients → Meat/ Honey/ Cayenne Pepper
Effect → Increase damage to the infected and chance of obtaining fight mastery

17. Spicy Diced Meat
Ingredients → Meat// Cayenne Pepper
Effect → Increases damage to buildings

18. Egg Dumpling with Fresh Meat
Ingredients → Meat/ Egg
Effect → Increase damage to animals

19. Vegetable Quiche
Ingredients → Vegetables/ Egg
Effect → Increase damage to the infected

20. Egg Baked with Mushrooms
Ingredients → Mushrooms/ Egg
Effect → Increase damage to humanoid monsters

21. Blueberry Coconut Crisp Snack
Ingredients → 1 Flour/ 2 Blueberry/ 1 Coconut
Effect → Increase all round gathering efficiency

22. Coconut with Steamed Egg
Ingredients → Coconut/ Egg
Effect → Increase max energy and swimming speed

23. Coconut Jelly
Ingredients → Ice Cubes/ Coconut
Effect → Lowers body temperature

24. Coconut Barbecued Meat
Ingredients → Meat/ Coconut
Effect → Improve the efficiency of hemp gathering mastery

25. Coconut Snowflake Cake
Ingredients → Flour/ Milk/ Coconut
Effect → Improve the efficiency of hemp gathering mastery

26. Coconut Fruity Milk
Ingredients → Fruit/ Coconut
Effect → Increase swimming speed

27. Coconut Cream Bread
Ingredients → Flour/ Coconut
Effect → Allay hunger

28. Fruit Coconut Cream
Ingredients → Fruit/ Milk/ Coconut
Effect → Increase swimming speed

29. Milky Corn Pudding
Ingredients → Milk/ Corn
Effect → Increase movement speed

30. Egg Yolk and Corn Cookie
Ingredients → Flour/ Egg/ Corn
Effect → Increase max HP

31. Golden Corn Cake
Ingredients → 1 Egg/ 2 Corn/ 1 Carrot
Effect → Increase all gathering speed

32. Boiled Corn with Chili Sauce
Ingredients → Cayenne Pepper/ Corn
Effect → Increases crit chance

33. Corn and Mincemeat
Ingredients → Meat/ Corn
Effect → Increase damage to humanoid monster

34. Corn Sponge Cake
Ingredients → Flour/ Corn
Effect → Allay hunger

35. Corn-pumpkin Porridge
Ingredients → 3 Corn/ 1 Pumpkin
Effect → Restore HP

36. Coconut Corn Soup
Ingredients → Coconut/ Corn
Effect → Increase body temperature

37. Bread Roll
Ingredients → Flour/ Egg
Effect → Allay Hunger

38. Carrot Corn Juice
Ingredients → 2 Corn/ 2 Carrot
Effect → Allay Hunger

39. Nutritious Stew
Ingredients → Meat/ Flour/ Milk
Effect → Improve damage to wild animals

40. Egg Fried Rice
Ingredients → Egg/ Rice
Effect → HP regen, Combat Mastery Gain

41. Maocai
Ingredients → 1 Leek, ginger & garlic/ 1 Vegetables/ 1 Fruit/ 1 Mushroom 
Effect → Digging Crit Chance, Movement Speed

42. Coconut with Steamed Rice
Ingredients → Rice/ Coconut
Effect → HP regen, Digging Efficiency, Resistant to Harsh Environment

43. Dumplings in Spicy Sauce
Ingredients → 1 Meat/ 3 Flour 
Effect → Max Ammo Capacity, Ammo Reload Cost Decrease

44. Sushi
Ingredients → 2 Fish/ 1 Vegetable/ 1 Rice
Effect →  Digging Crit Chance, Resistant to Harsh Environment

45. Cute Rice Ball
Ingredients → 2 Rice/ 1 Seasoning/ 1 Carrot
Effect → HP regen, Gathering Mastery Gain, Movement Speed

46. Vegetable Sushi
Ingredients → 3 Vegetables/ 1 Rice 
Effect → Non-firearms attack speed, Energy Recovery Acceleration

47. Pumpkin Rice
Ingredients → 2 Rice/ 2 Pumpkin
Effect → Logging Crit Chance, Resistant to Harsh Environment

48. Fruit Ice Congee
Ingredients → Rice/ Fruit/ Ice Cubes 
Effect → Digging Efficiency, Movement Speed, Body Temperature Cooling, Resistant to Harsh Environment

49. Thai Rice Noodles
Ingredients → 1 Vegetables/ 1 Shrimp/ 1 Leek, ginger & garlic/ 1 Rice
Effect → Gathering Mastery Gain, Digging Crit Chance

50. Minced Pork Rice
Ingredients → 1 Meat/ 1 Egg/ 1 Rice/ 1 Sauce
Effect → Combat Damage, Resistant to Harsh Environment

51. Nasi Goreng
Ingredients → 1 Meat/ 1 Vegetables/ 1 Egg/ 1 Rice
Effect → Firing Speed, Max Ammo Capacity

52. Assorted Shumai
Ingredients → Rice/ Meat/ Vegetables
Effect → Logging Crit Chance, Max Ammo Capacity, Resistant to Harsh Environment

53. Strawberry Rice Roll
Ingredients → 2 Rice/ 2 Strawberry
Effect → Gathering Crit Chance, Resistant to Harsh Environment

54. Fried Squid Rings
Ingredients → 2 Flour/ 2 Squid
Effect → Swimming Speed

55. Spicy Rice Noodles
Ingredients → Rice/ Cayenne Pepper
Effect → Crit Chance, Resistant to Harsh Environment

56. Mixed Rice
Ingredients → Vegetables/ Rice/ Egg
Effect → HP regen, Gathering Mastery Gain, Combat Mastery Gain

57. Fired Tofu
Ingredients → Meat/ Tofu/ Leek, ginger & garlic
Effect → Firing Speed, Reload speed-up, Movement Speed

58. Brown Sugar Rice Cake
Ingredients → 2 Honey/ 2 Rice
Effect → Digging Crit Chance, Resistant to Harsh Environment

59. Rice Meatballs
Ingredients → 2 Meat/ 1 Rice/ 1 Seasoning
Effect → Combat Damage, Energy consuming reduced

60. Shrimp Stuffed Fish Maw
Ingredients → Fish/ Cooking Oil/ Vegetables
Effect → Hemp Gathering, Combat Damage

61. Pineapple Cake
Ingredients → 1 Egg/ 1 Sugar/ 2 Pineapple
Effect → HP regen, combat damage

62. French Toast
Ingredients → 1 Fruit/ 1 Milk/ 1 Egg/ 1 Sugar
Effect → Logging Efficiency, Logging Crit Chance

63. Oden
Ingredients → 1 Meat/ 1 Vegetables/ 1 Mushroom/ 1 Tofu
Effect → Combat Damage, Energy consumed when sprinting reduced

64. Fish in Banana Leaf
Ingredients → 1 Fish/ 2 Vegetables/ 1 Seasoning
Effect → Logging Crit Chance, Digging Crit Chance, Gathering Crit Chance

65. Pork Mince & Salted Egg
Ingredients → 2 Meat/ 1 Egg/ 1 Rice
Effect → Combat Damage, Ammo Reload Decrease, Resistant to Harsh Environment

66. Omurice
Ingredients → Sauce/ Rice/ Egg
Effect → HP regen, Firing Speed, Crit Immunity Rate

67. Rice Cracker
Ingredients → 2 Rice/ 1 Sauce/ 1 Seasoning
Effect → HP regen, Movement Speed, Resistant to Harsh Environment 

68. Vermicelli with Pork
Ingredients → 1 Meat/ 1 Cayenne Pepper/ 2 Vermicelli
Effect → Combat Mastery Gain, Firing Speed, Resistant to Harsh Environment 

Sejauh ini, baru itu resep-resep unik yang saya temukan. Untuk resep yang lain, mungkin hanya resep biasa dan resep-resep ikan bakar wkwk. Kalau nemu resep baru In Syaa Allah akan saya update, hehe.

Bagi teman-teman yang punya resep namun tidak ada di list, boleh berbagi di kolom komentar yah! ^^

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10 komentar

  1. Replies
    1. Sama-sama, Kak. Ini belum di-update sih postingannya, padahal ada banyak banget resep baru wkwk.
      Nanti coba di-update kembali ^^

  2. Kak cepetan di update ya , resepnya keren" langka langka wkwkwk

    1. Wkwkwk, iya secepatnya akan di update, ya. Banyak resep baru wkwk

  3. Tapi spaghetti dan special pizza tidak bisa mohon di benarkan

    1. Bisa, kok. Tapi sepertinya itu harus beli resepnya dulu di NPC Vault Tex Brandon, baru bisa bikin, wkwk.

  4. Ka apdet resep lagi dong udah banyak lohh resep baru saat ini

    1. Belum sempat login lagi, Kak, wkwk. Nanti kalau login In Syaa Allah di update kembali, ya ^^

  5. Ada resep bagus ni Koi + 3 strawberry

    1. Susah dapat Koi, Kak. Wkwkw.
      Udah lama banget nggak login padahal pengen nyobain resep baru, wkwk.
